Leaving Stavanger harbour 4. July, (hopefully) arriving New York harbour 9. October in 2025, on Leif Erikson Day.
Watch the recording (edited version) of the live stream from September 2025 with skipper Halvor, also tells part of the exciting story of “The Sloopers” and their journey with “Restauration” back in 1825.
(Duration: 13 min, the news at the end) :
– Facebook Restauration
– YouTube
The announcement of the news sailing againg in 2025 was a part of the pre-premiere of the great and popular movie “The Emigrants” (2022).
The new movie about the common Nordic emigrant history:
watch the official trailer from SF Studios of “THE EMIGRANTS“.
See the pictures and use Google translate to read the article:
More than 800,000 Norwegians risked their lives across the Atlantic. Now their story is being told. In 1825 mass emigration to America began. / “Over 800.000 nordmenn risikerte livet over Atlanteren. Nå fortelles deres historie. I 1825 startet masseutvandringen til Amerika.
(Advertisement connected to the movie “The Emigrants”.)
More information about the great movie “THE EMIGRANTS” and the Director Erik Poppe: “‘It’s About Refugees Today”.
In The Norwegian American Newspaper and their Emigration issue October 2022:
articles about the emigration, the new movie “The Emigrants”. (Eventually other issues.)
You may also have a look at their Instagram and Facebook pages.
If some of the US PART of the WEBSITE with English text is still under construction:
Click just beside The American Flag and choose the Norwegian flag – to the right in the menus at the top. And use Google translate to read the content on the Norwegian part of the website 🙂