Restauration at ONS

Restauration will be docked at Skagenkaien in Stavanger harbour during ONS, and visitors will have the opportunity to come aboard and explore the ship.
During the ONS week, the following activities will be held:

Monday, August 26 at 11:00 AMDialogues on Deck: Theme: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. Hosts aboard will include Tora Aasland, Vibeke Rullestad, Hard Olav Bastiansen, and Ann Irene Sem-Henriksen. See Facebook for more information about this event.

Tuesday, August 27 at 11:00 AMDialogues on Deck: Vitality and Cancer. The significance of research for increasing hope and survival rates. See Facebook for more information about this event.

Wednesday, August 28 at 11:00 AM – Open ship with dialogues on deck. Theme: Bread and its significance in all cultures. See Facebook for more information about this event.