PopUp utstilling om stedet Stavanger i USA - om bord i Restauration i Vågen i Stavanger, Norge

Pop-up photo exhibition: Stavanger – in USA

The Harbor in Stavanger (Norway) on board the emigrant ship Restauration.
Monday 12.06 (opening at 20:30) and Tuesday 13.06.2023 (18:00 – 20:30).
See more info: facebook.com/Restauration1825

PopUp exhibition about the place Stavanger in the USA - on board Restauration in the Harbor in Stavanger, Norway
A dying Norway – in a living America Photo: Lars Idar Waage

Alternatively, more in-depth information: see Fun Facts
and the section that starts with:
“The village Stavanger, the road Stavanger Road, and the place Norway in Illinois, USA:”
Where you’ll also find some of the exhibition photos on some of the links.

Visual storyteller / photographer Photographer Lars Idar Waage with a picture from Stavanger in the USA in front of Restauration in the Harbor in Stavanger
(Click on to get a large view.)