Opening Emigration center Norway-USA at Mosterøy Mosteroy in Stavanger

Emigrant exhibit

At the home port of Restauration, at Finnesand quay on Mosterøy near Utstein Kloster Hotel, there is an emigrant exhibit in one of the hotel’s conference rooms. Together with the ship Restauration, it forms an emigrant center.

The exhibit is usually accessible when the conference room is not in use by Utstein Kloster Hotel guests. Contact the hotel for information.

The emigrant room was officially opened on Leif Erikson Day, October 9, 2021.

From the opening:

In the media:
– Bydgdebladet (use e.g. Google translate): «Magnificent celebration when the Emigrant Center opened: – I think this is one of the most important things that has happened in Norway» («Storslått feiring da Utvandrersenteret åpnet: – Jeg tror dette er noe av det viktigste som har hendt i Norge»)
– Næringsforeningen (The Stavanger Chamber of Commerce) – (use e.g. Google translate): Opened Emigration Center on Leif Erikson day / (Åpnet Utvandringssenter på Leif Erikson Day 9. Okt)

Utvandrerustilling Norwegian emigrations Restauration sloopers
A part of the exhibition.

Background: Opening on Leif Erikson Day in October and looking back to 1975:

A part of original program (scanned) from the 150th anniversary in 1975:
– part 1 and part 2
Newspaper article from this anniversary with His Majesty King Olav V:
– article no 1 and article no 2
(Vidoe / recording of The 150th anniversary (October 1975) in Carnegie Hall: The Emigrant Memorial in 1975, including King Olav and Erik Bye at Carnegie Hall in New York (NRK). (Only one minute at the start is in Norwegian.)