Explore the history behind the construction, launching, and earliest years of the new immigrant ship the sloop Restauration. These newsletters from 2008 to 2011 were published by the former Foundation Emigrant Ship Restauration.
Honor those who deserve to be honored.
(Copy text from the pdf documents into Google translate.)
2008 – newsletter, volume 1. (Click to open as pdf.) Editor (for all the newsletters): Per Inge Bøe.
2009, issue 1. Newsletter from the former Foundation Emigrant Ship Restauration, volume 2.
2009, issue 2. Newsletter from the former Foundation Emigrant Ship Restauration, volume 2 (unfortunately two parallel pages).
2010, issue 1. Newsletter from the former Foundation Emigrant Ship Restauration, volume 3.
2010, issue 2. Newsletter from the former Foundation Emigrant Ship Restauration, volume 3.
2010, issue 3. Newsletter from the former Foundation Emigrant Ship Restauration, volume 3 (including overview of members in 2010 in the former friends association).
In 2011, the last newsletter we know of was from the former Stiftelsen Emigrantskipet (Foundation Emigrant Ship) Restauration.
Following the establishment of the new Restauration Venneforening in late 2020, new newsletters have been issued (with text in Norwegian/English). Visit our website (the one you’re on now) under “News” or click on the individual ones in the Mailchimp list (newsletter tool).
Feel free to register to receive coming newsletters (1-2 per year) at http://eepurl.com/hlHWOz.