
The Role of Music

Music with broad appeal to individuals with diverse musical tastes can enhance interest in the emigration story between Norway and the USA.

“What’s in it for you” – Benefits for Invited Artists?

  • A unique setting for a music video with historical roots, highlighted in 2025 during the 200th anniversary of Norwegian emigration to North America. This marks the beginning of a time when one-third of Norway’s population moved to a new continent in search of a better life.
  • Connection to a national anniversary year in both Norway and the USA, with Restauration as an iconic symbol.
  • Promotion by the Restauration Friends Association through social media, newsletters, websites, and contact with Norwegian-American organizations.
  • As an artist, you are free to use the music video in any context and media you wish. (This also applies to the Restauration Friends Association.)
  • Opportunities for exposure at events such as Leif Erikson Day in the USA, via email outreach to a wide range of organizations through the Restauration Friends Association.
  • Potential invitations and opportunities tied to the 2025 anniversary activities in Norway (and possibly the USA).
  • We have strong connections with the Norwegian-American newspaper in the USA (both online and print formats), which also manages the website for the 200th anniversary in the USA. (

– Example of a music video on Restauration’s YouTube channel:

Randaberg Young Men’s Choir – “Sorgen og gleden” (Sorrow and Joy). A hymn from 1681 by Thomas Kingo, which MAY have been sung aboard the Restauration in 1825…

Four music videos by “Slogmåkane” recorded aboard the Restauration (Wellermaan, Bully Boys, Blow boys blow, and Step it out Mary)
(With varying time and resources used for production, ranging from 3-minute “on-the-spot” recordings without editing to 2.5 hours of recording aboard for four different videos, followed by post-production editing.)

– Promo video with music and an interview aboard the Restauration:

Benefits for the Restauration Friends Association:

Increased awareness of our shared emigration history between Norway and the USA, a relatively recent chapter where we struggled for better living conditions. Over a 100-year period, one-third of Norway’s population emigrated to a new continent.
Highlights the parallels with today’s migration challenges.

Opportunities for Artists:

  • Recording music video(s) aboard the Restauration (with or without a band).
    Preferably something vibrant and engaging, where both the video and song captivate and fascinate audiences in both Norway and the USA, within your genre.
  • Opportunity to film on the fjord or at sea, with authentic surroundings, including drone footage.
  • No costs for using the Restauration as a unique stage and setting.
  • Access to drone footage from a member of the association (if available and able to film), with free use of the files provided.
  • Collaboration opportunities with Tagliano & Co and Mediaproduksjon for music video production at favorable rates, if you choose to use their services.

As the artist or band, you are responsible for arranging and coordinating video recording and editing with the service providers of your choice, including any associated costs.

Additional Benefits:

As an artist, you will also contribute to helping the Restauration Friends Association achieve its sub-goal of sharing the emigration story:

  • “Contribute to reducing inequality by establishing collaboration with at least two organizations, such as the Red Cross, UNICEF, and Kirkens Bymisjon. This includes carrying out at least two activities per year that promote inclusion and diversity by offering meaningful experiences aboard the Restauration to children and youth who face societal exclusion, leaving lasting memories. These efforts also strengthen the Restauration’s identity and relevance, drawing parallels to today’s refugee stories.”

Contact Information:

Call the volunteer coordinator at +47 959 85 718 or email for questions or further clarification.